Nowadays avoiding information requires more effort than collecting information. I try not to spend too much time on the Internet, especially on social media. I carefully select my news sources, at the same time avoiding so-called information bubbles. I guess I am doing quite well in this respect. Nonetheless, I am always hungry for interesting news.
Data gathering:
Every evening I noted down all the things that were interesting and important to me during the day.
Data drawing:
Dear Data lets me explore new and non-obvious visualization techniques. I saw somewhere a kid playing word search and it inspired my postcard design. Now I see this is not the most effective way to visualize data because it’s too chaotic. However, experiments are good!
Klaudia’s postcard:
I like the matrix – it shows Klaudia’s work-life balance. I would like to know, however, what things exactly attracted Klaudia’s attention. I could be inspired myself.
The process:

People who know me have probably noticed my addiction to new ideas and inspirations. I also love to share my findings and thoughts with others. This is why I really enjoyed this week’s topic. It encouraged me to observe even more attentively all the interesting things happening around me. Pure pleasure.
Data gathering:
I was regularly writing down things that seemed interesting to me and caught my attention (in any way), such as: insights after listening to a thought-provoking podcast, an interesting scenery on the way to the office, resources recommended by my colleagues, new words spoken by my 3-year-old daughter. There was one condition: it had to be something new that I have not heard about before, have not seen before.
Data drawing:
My starting point was just a long list of inspirations. The idea to create a matrix appeared during the first sketches. Why a matrix? Everything I wrote down was somehow interesting (as this week’s topic indicates), but some findings and thoughts were really novel and useful (those will stay with me for longer), whereas others were just funny and/or quite useless. I wanted to observe the proportions. In order to gain more insights I also grouped all inspirations by context: work, self-development, culture&society, entertainment.
Jakub’s postcard:
I like how Jakub depicted the daily information overload that sometimes prevents us from focusing on the important stuff. The ability to discern valuable things from the useless rest is very important.
The process: