It took me a while to figure out the right approach for this one. Productivity and scheduling. Couldn’t come up with anything. The inspiration finally came when my new fitness band got delivered.
Data gathering:
I maintain separate to-do lists for work and personal. That’s my primary productivity tool. I like checking off done tasks. And that was the data I gathered this week — the number of entered and completed tasks. The other data point was related to fitness goals, such as daily step count (goal: 10,000) or floors climbed count (goal: 20).
Data drawing:
In my projects I like to venture into areas that surprise even myself. I’ve never had a talent for drawing. Regardless, I tried a flower motif this week. I think I have nothing to be ashamed of 🙂. Flowers in bloom indicate completed tasks. I think that’s a nice metaphor.
The process:

This was a particularly unproductive week. I’m still not back to work and you can see that in a relatively low number of “worked” hours and lack of task diversity.
Data gathering:
I used time tracking for this one (with the help of Toggl app) and counting observable effect of my work (such as created documents).
Data drawing:
The big challenge here was to accurately reflect the time tracked with the area on the postcard. I’d say the final effect is “more-or-less” accurate 😉.
The process: